Hi, I’m Eric.
Kids! Parents! Adults! Teachers! Students! Everyone who has an ounce of curiosity!
Klyp Styx is by far my favorite toy!
I have enjoyed polyhedra for many years. I especially enjoy building them. I have tried many methods: bending coat hangers, threading straws, folding paper, poking toothpicks in peas and the commercial methods. I found them all rewarding and disappointing. I suggest you try them all so that you will better appreciate their limitations. Finally I invented the best method – the Klyp Styx System.
On a long road trip, I saw, in my mind’s eye, the complete image of a construction system for building polyhedra. At my brother’s house in Dallas, I grabbed a rubber band, and some paper clips, destroyed a pen for parts, and invented the first Klyp Styk.
Since then I have patented the idea, and tried to sell the idea, and shared the idea with any one who would listen. I have given thousands of Klyp Styx away, and sold a few here and there.
Currently each stick is made by hand. As such, I sell them as pieces of art. I am not selling a finished, manufactured, industry tested product. I am essentially allowing you to test a prototype. It is not required that you report back your findings, but I am a curious person and would be interested in what you have to say.
Klyp Styx – it’s the Slykyst, Quykyst!
Call 1-888-KLYP-STYX